How to Reset Magento Admin Password (Magento1)

How to Reset Magento Admin Password

This tutorial will show you how to reset magento’s admin password.  There are several ways to reset Magento’s admin password.  The method you use depends on if you know the original password or not. 


How to Reset Magento Admin Password If You Know the Original Password

If you know the password you will first want to log into Magento using the original password.  Once in, navigate to System->Permissions->Users.  You will then see a list of users. Click the user you want to reset Magento’s admin password for (most likely the user – ‘admin’) (see above screenshot).  On this page you can reset the password by first entering the ‘Current Admin Password’ and then entering the ‘New Password’ twice.  Save the user when you are finished.  The password has now been changed.

Another method of how to reset Magento’s Admin Password is to navigate to System->My Account.  This page will show you only the administrator’s information.   On this page you can reset the password by first entering the ‘Current Admin Password’ and then entering the ‘New Password’ twice.  Save the user when you are complete.  The password has now been changed.

How to Reset Magento Admin Password If You Do Not Know the Original Password

One method to reset Magento’s admin password if you do not know the original password is to click the ‘Forgot Password?’ link on the login page.  Assuming you are the owner of the administrator’s email  enter the administrator email address and click ‘Retrieve Password’.  Within a few minutes you should get an email instructing you how to reset Magento’s admin password.  Simply follow the directions to reset the password.


The final way to reset Magento’s admin password is to edit the password directly in the database.  Anytime you access the database you run the risk of corrupting the data. Especially if you don’t know what you are doing and you are not a developer.

You can access your database by accessing phpMyAdmin directly.  You can also access your cPanel and then pull up phpMyAdmin from there.  Once in the database (see the screenshot above) you will want to click the ‘SQL’ tab at the top.  In the text area box enter the following bit of code.  Change ‘mynewpasswordhere’ to the password you want:

UPDATE `admin_user` SET `password` = MD5(‘mynewpasswordhere’) WHERE `username` = ‘admin’;

Click ‘Go’ when you are finished.  This will reset the password.

For professional assistance contact Brian Wade at Cybersolutions, LLC.

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