How to Add the Slider in Magento (Magento1)


How to Add the Slider in Magento

Sliders and Parallax are quickly becoming the fastest growing types of websites created. They are nice looking, very artistic, and bring a lot of content to the table in a rather short amount of time. Parallax 3d artistic ability is unsurpassed and sliders can put a lot of interesting content that can really grab someone’s attention in a split second. 

Personally I’ve always liked the look of a slider on the homepage,   and I’ve always been a fan of how to add the slider in Magento.  It uses very little bandwidth to the site, yet gives your eyes something visually impacting to look upon. Parallax took me a little longer to get sold on.  First I didn’t see the value of it and then  just flat didn’t understand how to use it.  Now that we are in 2016 I am sold on both and am hoping to get you sold on sliders as well. So how do you add the slider in Magento.

The easiest way how to add the slider in Magento of course are plenty of off the shelf sliders out there.  Off the shelf are some pretty sliders like Magento Image Slideshow For Toolbox, Slider Revolution and Dolphin Responsive Slideshow, Magic Slideshow and Magento Homepage Slideshow Extension.  And these just aren’t the only ones, these are just some of the most popular ones.  Now a days how to add the slider to Magento is pretty straightforward if you follow instructions.

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Magento 2.0, if you have made the leap does have the ability to create slideshows from within Magento, but I have yet to take the plunge so I won’t go into that part of Magento in this article.  For now just weigh all the various ups and downs of the differing slideshows that are out there and pick one that will work for you.

Remember that this is your homepage, while a slideshow or using Parallax may seem cool it may actually slow down your site or even confuse the user, not to mention cross browser compatibility.  So sometimes less is more especially when this is your introduction to the world and to Google!

If you want a professional slideshow and don’t know where to begin contact Brian Wade at Cybersolutions, LLC for professional grade help at affordable prices.



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